• Callie Hall

The Salvation Army Aids in Washington Wildfires - Update

WASHINGTON – The Salvation Army Emergency Disaster Services Team is committed to helping the families impacted by the Washington wildfires – we are there to provide immediate relief now and will stay in the area for as long as needed. We will work with the community until it is restored.

Please visit our website for updated information about our work:


As of Monday, September 14 @3pm

Seattle – The Salvation Army’s 24/7 emergency smoke shelter in SODO in partnership with King County & the City of Seattle will remain open until Wednesday morning (9/16) at 8am due to unhealthy air quality conditions. Capacity has been expanded to 101 single adults.

Pierce County – The Salvation Army is providing vouchers for food, gas, and other supplies and is working with the County to provide snacks and drinks for ventilation centers.

Davenport – The Salvation Army is providing vouchers for food, water, hygiene items and other supplies to families who have been evacuated.

The Salvation Army is working with the state and local agencies to monitor current conditions and begin plans for long-term recovery and rebuilding in areas impacted by wildfires around the state.


How to Help
The most critical need right now is for monetary donations. There are three ways to contribute to The Salvation Army relief and restoration efforts for Washington wildfires:
1. By phone: 1-800-SAL-ARMY – designate gift for ‘WA Wildfires’
2. On-line at: http://salarmy.us/NWWildfireRelief
3. By mail: Send a check, marked ‘WA Wildfires’ to The Salvation Army, Northwest Divisional Headquarters, PO Box 9219, Seattle, WA, 98109

The best way to help during any disaster, large or small, is often to make a financial contribution. Cash donations allow disaster responders to immediately meet the specific needs of disaster survivors without incurring many of the costs associated with sorting, packing, transporting and distributing donated goods. Salvation Army disaster services are funded entirely by donors, and The Salvation Army uses 100% of all disaster donations in support of disaster relief operations.
