• Christopher Priest

The Salvation Army Continues To Work During Pandemic

Atlanta, GA: The COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact the world in striking fashion, with The Salvation Army continuing its work in response to the crisis. This includes ongoing service to the community, targeting those in need, and locations all over the Southern Territory persist in action.

The Salvation Army’s Center of Hope shelter in Lake Charles, Louisiana remains open on a 24/7 basis, with increased cleaning measures and social distancing practices in place. Those changes include staggered entry into meal areas, all while keeping everyone fed. The Center of Hope also marks the only remaining outlet for continued soup kitchen service in the Lake Charles community, with daily meals provided in to-go fashion during breakfast and lunch hours. The Salvation Army’s local food pantry also remains open to the community.

A faithful volunteer is making a considerable impact in Fairfax, Virginia, with Anthony Gonzalez making a daily trip to The Salvation Army’s Fairfax Corps to provide a helping hand. Gonzalez acts as a point person for the assembly and distribution of food bags, with each bag equipped to feed a family of four for several days. In addition, Gonzalez is willing and able to bring additional comfort with prayer for those receiving food.

The Salvation Army in Seminole County (Sanford, Florida) is issuing care packages, equipped with food, water, activity books, snacks and other personal items. The packages are delivered through a drop-off program, with church members and program participants receiving them at their doorstep. In addition, boxes have been transported to a local assisted living facility for seniors.