• Cindy Fuller

Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation Center and Center of Hope Assist in Flood Relief Efforts

Tulsa, Oklahoma (June 13, 2019) – The Salvation Army’s Adult Rehabilitation Center (ARC) offers spiritual, emotional, and social assistance to people who have lost the ability to cope with their problems and provide for themselves.  In Tulsa, Oklahoma, beneficiaries of the program recently had the opportunity to give back by assisting in disaster relief efforts after historic flooding.

Dustin, a graduate of the ARC celebrating more than two years of sobriety, is the kitchen supervisor for the ARC in Tulsa. In his hometown of Sand Springs, Oklahoma, hundreds of homes were impacted by the historic rising of the Arkansas River.   For the past week, he has supervised the preparation of hundreds of meals a day to serve survivors and others.  Dustin says, “I just appreciate the opportunity to give back to my hometown.” 

Many of the beneficiaries have volunteered to assist with meal preparation when not in a class, working or scheduled for other activities. Giving back is part of the recovery process and is a new experience for many.  

The Tulsa Center of Hope Shelter also helped prepare meals for emergency disaster service for several days. The shelter is a refuge to 150 people a night and prepares an average of 900 meals daily. Arletta Robinson, executive director of Center of Hope, said, “Our kitchen was happy to prepare the extra meals to help our neighbors during their time of the need. We are blessed to serve.”

From adult rehabilitation programs, providing shelter, fighting human trafficking, empowering the arts, senior services to disaster services and more, The Salvation Army meets human needs at their point of need.

How People Can Help

The best way to help after a disaster is to make a financial donation to the charity of your choice. 

  • Donate Online: www.helpsalvationarmy.org
  • Donate by Mail: The Salvation Army PO BOX 1959, Atlanta, GA  30301.  Please designate 'May 2019 OK/AR Storms' on all checks.
  • Donate by Phone: 1-800-SAL-ARMY (1-800-725-2769)
  • Donate by Text: Text STORM to 51555 to receive a donation link for easy mobile giving

For the latest emergency disaster services news from The Salvation Army, follow the social feed on Twitter at @salarmyeds or visit disaster.salvationarmyusa.org.
