• Thad Hicks

The Salvation Army’s Dayton Tornado Resource Center Launches

Day 2 of The Salvation Army’s Multi-agency Resource Center is underway in Dayton Ohio and the need continues to be great in the region.  The operating hours each day are from 1 pm – 8 pm, and by shortly after noon on Friday, there were already people lined up outside. 

This series of storms struck multiple areas in the region, but several of the areas were already struggling with low employment and poverty.  This makes these areas especially vulnerable to disasters and emergencies.  Cassandra Dencher, a Salvation Army volunteer, stated, “Many of these men and women were hurting before the storm, and this just makes things worse.

Multiple agencies from the community have set up supply tables and were offering materials to survivors in the center including, Operation Blessing, The Good Neighbor House, St. Vincent De Paul, the Montgomery County Library, Able, Legal Aid of Western Ohio, and many more.  The center is scheduled through Tuesday, June 11, 2019, but the help, like the need, will not stop then.  The Salvation Army is already putting a long-term plan together for those impacted by the storms.
