• Justin Pansacola

Salvation Army Serving SoCal Wildfire Evacuation Shelters; Fires Claim Camp

Los Angeles – November 11, 2018.  As the sun came up this morning Marty Brown, the Executive Director of Camp Lawrence Daley at Mt. Crags, Camp Gilmore and Camp Wilderness, surveyed the fire damage. Camp Wilderness, a section of the campgrounds reserved for programs with underprivileged teens, was a complete loss. Other structures at the camp were also completely destroyed. With the fire situation facing another wind event today through Tuesday, the camp’s other structures remain in jeopardy.

The Salvation Army continues undaunted as it continues to bring relief to those who are suffering in the on-going Woolsey Fire and Hill Fire disasters. Staff and volunteers from five Salvation Army groups (the Ventura Corps, Oxnard Corps, San Fernando Valley Corps, Simi Valley Service Extension and Valley Missional Communities) have been serving at six evacuation shelters since Friday. They have provided more than 793 meals, 471 drinks and 793 snacks. Officers also offered emotional and spiritual care and have prayed with 11 persons at shelters.

Today, meal service continues and The Salvation Army is preparing for the long-term recovery effort, even within its own camp. The need for assistance will continue to escalate as the wildfires continue to burn and thousands of displaced residents find that their homes are gone. Those interested in helping The Salvation Army can donate by calling 1 800 – SAL ARMY or go to calsouth.salvationarmy.org.

For media inquiries contact Robert Brennan (818) 648-9098 Robert.Brennan@usw.salvationarmy.org