• Jennifer Moya

Ask, Seek, Knock, The Salvation Army in Wilmington, NC Update

Wilmington, NC (September 21, 2018) - Hurricane Florence continues to cause rain and severe weather throughout the Cape Fear region. Officials have indicated flash flooding is still an issue in many areas and more than 1200 roads are closed across the state. The Salvation Army is on the ground providing food, hydration, emotional and spiritual support to survivors and first responders throughout the Cape Fear region. 

For the past 3 days, Major Ken Fagan, Emotional and Spiritual Care Specialist, along with the Jackson Mississippi mobile kitchen crew, have been visiting folks living in an apartment complex in Wilmington. “We make sure to knock on each door to offer a warm meal and a word of prayer. There’s a particular door we knock on and always hear the same answer, ‘thank you, we’re fine,” said Major Fagan. “We went back yesterday and knocked on her door again. This time she said, ‘I’ll see you in a minute.’ Thinking she was just giving me a line to leave her alone, I went back to the canteen. I was taken aback when a few minutes later I saw her walking towards the canteen.”

‘I've been in the United States for 5 years. I came here from China and I have never… I’m always helping folks. I’ve never had to ask for help before,’ she said.

Tears started rolling down her face.

‘It is very difficult for me to take charity,’ she said. ‘I'm always the one helping other people. I never ask for anything.’

‘Please don't see this is charity, this is love. We love you and we want you to be as comfortable as you can,’ said Major Fagan. ‘You know that feeling that you get when you help someone?”

‘Yes,’ she said.

‘Don't rob me of my joy. Don't rob me of my joy and let me have that same feeling right now by giving you this meal,” said Major Fagan.

To date, The Salvation Army has positioned 15 mobile kitchen units and trained emergency disaster personnel who continue to coordinate extensive relief efforts the Cape Fear region which covers Columbus, Bladen, Pender, Brunswick and New Hanover counties. Approximately 24,000 meals and 14,000 drinks have been served, and Emotional and Spiritual Care Specialists are meeting with individuals to provide hope and comfort through these hard times. Power outages continue to be an issue in most areas, but utility crews have arrived in the area and are working to restore power.

How to help:

Online: helpsalvationarmy.org

Donate by phone: 1-800-SAL-ARMY

Mail checks to: The Salvation Army, P.O. BOX 1959, Atlanta, GA 30301

Please designate '2018 Hurricane Season - Florence' on all checks.

To receive a donation link via text: Text STORM to 51555

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