• Christopher Priest

The Salvation Army Responds to Tragic School Shootings in Florida

Tampa, FL - The Salvation Army has dispatched two mobile feeding units to provide support to first responders, survivors and family members affected by today's tragic shootings at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkman, Florida, where multiple fatalities and injuries were reported. 

The first mobile feeding unit deployed to the site was from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, with Major Albert Cancia, the Fort Lauderdale corps officer, on board.  A second unit from West Palm Beach, Florida, is staffed by Major Pierre Smith, the Palm Beach Area Commander.  The units have been serving first responders at the scene. In addition, Major Keath Biggers, the Fort Lauderdale Area Commander, has been at the Broward County Emergency Management Center coordinating with local officials to determine what needs can be met by The Salvation Army.

In addition to providing food and drinks, The Salvation Army is also providing emotional and spiritual care to both first responders and those who have been affected by this tragic event.

The international leader of The Salvation Army General Andre Cox shared his sympathies on social media, saying, "My prayers are with the victims and their families following the shooting in Florida.  May love, care, consideration and compassion win over evil, hatred, violence and destruction."  The Salvation Army asks the public for prayers, in remembrance of those who lost their lives, for grieving friends and families, for healing and comfort for those injured, and for strength and protection for all those responding.