• Philip Burn

Golden Triangle Community Grateful for Salvation Army Support

Beaumont, Texas (September 15, 2017) – Something as simple as a clean shirt can mean so much in a time of crisis. The Salvation Army staff and volunteers have worked tirelessly in the Golden Triangle area of southeast Texas where need has been great following extensive flooding. Responders continue to touch lives every day through the delivery of hot meals, emotional and spiritual care, and the provision of essentials to people facing all kinds of challenges.

“We had a man stop by the warehouse who had been badly burned. His home had flooded and after the water receded, they tried to install a new hot water tank,” said Lisa Borders from Seattle, Corporate Engagement Director for The Salvation Army NW Division, currently deployed to Beaumont, Texas. “However, things went tragically wrong and a fire broke out burning his face, head, right arm and hand.”

The man pulled up in a pick-up truck, wearing a dirty, white t-shirt, grey sweatpants and slippers.  “He simply asked if we had a clean shirt that we could give him,” said Lisa. One of the staff ran back into the warehouse and grabbed five, white, cotton t-shirts and handed them to the gentleman. "His eyes lit up and a big smile spread across his face. He immediately put on one of the clean shirts and explained that he had been wearing that same shirt for an entire week.” The Salvation Army also loaded up the truck with a food box, water and Gatorade and gave him information about FEMA registration.

Echo, is from Minnesota where she regularly volunteers with The Salvation Army. Since coming to Beaumont, she has been a great source of comfort to thousands of area residents while serving meals from one of the mobile feeding units. Echo’s service goes far beyond handing out a hot meal as she is eager to listen, provide a much-needed hug and spend time praying with those in need of spiritual care. 

One survivor who stopped by the mobile kitchen each day during Echo’s two-week deployment, delivered a lovely hand-written thank you card on her last day of service. It read: “Thank you so very much for all you have done. Your smile and laughter, it meant so much to me. You will never be forgotten and always loved.” Kathy (Vidor, TX, Harvey)

The Salvation Army has provided 76,454 meals from the 12 mobile feeding units deployed in the area, 107,301 snacks and 63,926 drinks to first responders and survivors.

You can support the ongoing relief work of The Salvation Army by making a financial donation at to www.helpsalvationarmy.org, call 1-800- SAL-ARMY, text STORM to 51555.

For the latest information please go to www.disaster.salvationarmy.org and watch for regular updates on our social media pages at www.facebook.com/salvationarmytexas/ and www.twitter.com/salarmytx. To access photo and video resources related to The Salvation Army Hurricane Harvey relief efforts please go to www.salvationarmysouth.org/harvey.
