• Michael R. Schwartz

Buffalo EDS assists 288 First Responders and Survivors at Apartment Complex Fire

Buffalo, NY - The Salvation Army Emergency Disaster Services Team based in Buffalo, NY (Erie County) responded to a three alarm residential fire at 505 Elmwood Avenue in the City on Monday morning. The team provided canteen and hydration services to approximately 120 firefighters who were involved in fighting the large fire at the 12-story Elmwood Square Apartment Complex.  The Salvation Army also provided water, snacks, blankets and emotional and spiritual care to 168 residents displaced at 4:00 am this morning. 

“We are grateful to the Buffalo Area Command and the selfless service of their EDS volunteers.  It is awe inspiring to see the dedication and service above self exhibited by this team of volunteers in Buffalo.  It is truly a blessing to the Greater Buffalo Area when you realize that these services are provided only through donated resources from the community as our disaster relief does not receive any funding or reimbursement from any level of government in New York State.  Whether it is a cup of coffee, a blanket for a resident who ran out of danger in their pajamas or simply a comforting word, our EDS Team is there, never searching out the limelight, just to be a helping hand in a time of crisis.” said Michael R. Schwartz, Divisional Disaster Director for the Empire State Division of The Salvation Army.

For more information on The Salvation Army’s Emergency Disaster Services, please contact Michael Schwartz at (315) 434-1367 or michael.schwartz@use.salvationarmy.org