• Philip Burn

Salvation Army in Texas Ready and Prepared to Respond to Tropical Storm Cindy

Dallas, Texas (June 21, 2017) – Salvation Army Emergency Disaster teams in Southeast Texas are ready and prepared to respond as storm force winds and heavy rain associated with Tropical Storm Cindy hit the region.

Alvin Migues, Emergency Services Director for The Salvation Army Texas Division said, “We have two mobile kitchens in the Houston area on standby and multiple response teams across the Southeast Texas region preparing to support potential relief efforts if called upon. These units include Freeport, Texas City, Galveston, Beaumont, Orange, Port Arthur and Bryan College Station.”

Governor Abbott has increased the State Operations Center to Level 3 - Increased Readiness – and Kathy Clark, The Salvation Army State Liaison, is in place in Austin at the State Operations Center. The State Feeding Task Force was also activated on Wednesday, of which Migues is the lead. Daily coordination calls will take place to provide for any mass feeding needs. Approximately 150 Search and Rescue personnel are being staged in Orange County, an area that has experienced widespread flooding in recent years.

“The Salvation Army will continue to closely monitor the developing situation as Tropical Storm Cindy slowly moves through the region,” said Migues. “Our Officers, staff and volunteers will remain on standby and prepared to respond wherever needed.”

For the latest information please go to www.disaster.salvationarmy.org and watch for regular updates on our social media pages at www.facebook.com/salvationarmytexas/ and www.twitter.com/salarmytx
