• Kevin Smith

Salvation Army Responds to Tragedy in Orlando

Orlando, Florida - June 12, 2016  - The Salvation Army Orlando Disaster Relief team activated its mobile kitchen to support emergency responders with hydration and meals.   Major Ted Morris, Orlando Area Commander is working with local officials and offering additional support as needed.  Emotional and Spiritual Care teams have been placed on standby to support the Central Florida Community deal with this horrific tragedy.

"We were awakened this morning to this tragic news in Orlando.  Our local disaster team members immediately reached out to ask how they could help their neighbors.   This is why we train, this is why our volunteers serve and today we are here to comfort those impacted across our community." stated Major Ted Morris.   "Right now as we respond with hydration and food, we ask everyone to join us in praying for those families who lost dear loved ones and those who struggle to recover in hospitals around our area." 

Salvation Army units around Florida have been placed on standby to support families and responders as needed.  We encourage those in the Central Florida area to check in with family and friends to establish that they are safe and well.