• Samantha Cuddy

Severe Flooding in Elk County, PA

The Salvation Army Emergency Disaster Services (EDS) is on scene in Ridgeway, PA (Elk County) responding to severe overnight flooding. The area has been hit hard with nearly half a foot of water, destroying over eight homes and several apartment buildings. Numerous families are displaced and have lost everything.

The Salvation Army EDS Punxsutawney team arrived on scene at 4:30 a.m. and the Pittsburgh team is en route as of 1:00 p.m. to provide additional food, hydration, and clean-up kits. Lt. Ester from The Salvation Army Ridgeway Unit is on-site providing emotional and spiritual care.

Our canteens were used to provide nearly 75 victims and first responders with breakfast. In addition, we fed over 300 people lunch and expect around 300 for dinner as well.

Teams on-site report that the water is starting to recede and the clean-up process is underway. The National Weather Service predicts scattered and isolated thunderstorms throughout the area until Saturday with a 20% chance of rain.

Other agencies on site include The American Red Cross, which set up a shelter, UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief), and Ridgeway Fire Department. We will continue to follow the status of the disaster and keep everyone informed as more information comes to light.

