• Katie Emer

Salvation Army Continuing to Shelter Tonight In Mobile AL After Isaac

Mobile, AL (August 29, 2012) – In the last 48 hours, The Salvation Army of Coastal Alabama has served around 800 meals to those seeking refuge from Isaac, and more than 100 people looking for a safe and dry place to sleep have taken refuge in our emergency shelter.

The emergency shelter will stay open again tonight, and we will provide updated meal and shelter totals as we get them. The Salvation Army hopes to return to normal shelter and residential program operations after breakfast is served tomorrow, but we will re-evaluate in the morning based on immediate and urgent needs at that time.

The Salvation Army of Coastal Alabama officially opened its 24-hour emergency shelter on Tuesday for anyone who had nowhere safe to go during Hurricane Isaac. But Monday night, we fed and housed anyone who needed somewhere to sleep, because the threat of flooding had closed alternate shelter locations. During this time of emergency, The Salvation Army is providing three meals a day, as well as physical and emotional support to some of our most vulnerable neighbors affected by the storm.

“With torrential rain still falling (and expected to continue overnight into tomorrow) - and news just received that other emergency shelters are closing down before tonight – The Salvation Army expects an even greater demand for its meals and emergency accommodation tonight,” says Major Mark Brown, Commander for The Salvation Army of Coastal Alabama.

He adds, “Already this evening we are seeing more people enjoying a warm and nutritious evening meal, and it is really great and heartwarming to see people who are facing some of life’s toughest challenges laughing and simply making the best of what could be a dangerous, even tragic, situation.”

The Salvation Army asks people who want to help those affected by the 2012 Hurricane Season:
Visit www.salvationarmyusa.org
Call 1-800-SAL-ARMY (1-800-725-2769)
Contribute $10 via their phone bill by text* messaging the word “Storm” to 80888, and confirming the donation with the word, “Yes.”