• Bob Poff

Salvation Army Responding To Hurricane Irene in Bahamas and Turks & Caicos

Bahamas (August 26, 2011) - Salvation Army personnel are on the scene in the Bahamas responding to Hurricane Irene. Representatives of The Salvation Army Emergency Disaster Service Team have been asked to partner with the Bahamas National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) to survey and assess the damage on the islands of Acklins and Mayaguana. Plans are underway for Members of NEMA and Salvation Army representatives to tour the damaged areas by air and then determine how to best move forward.

The Salvation Army has also been asked to provide disaster services on Long Island and Cat Island, Bahamas. As there is currently no Salvation Army presence on the islands, a needs assessment will be performed and a response plan will be formulated.

Hurricane Irene also swept through the Turks and Caicos islands in the afternoon of 24 August. Irene, a Catgory 3 storm, caused wide spreading flooding throughout the island. Many residents of the islands have been placed in temporary shelters as they cannot gain access to their homes.

The Salvation Army Caribbean Territory’s Emergency Disaster Service Team has been in contact with Salvation Army personnel on the islands and is ready to be of assistance. The EDS Team has partnered with Missionary Flights International (www.missionaryflights.org) to have bottled water and food shipped to Provo, Turks and Caicos on Saturday 27 August.

At the time of this release the most urgent needs for the islands are food, bottled water, tarps and clean up kits. Salvation Army personnel remain on the scene, ready to meet the physical and spiritual needs of people impacted by this tragedy.

For the latest information on The Salvation Army's disaster response in the Bahamas and in the Turks & Caicos Islands, go to The Salvation Army's Caribbean Territory facebook and Blog sites.